Friday, November 16, 2012

Pinch Pot 2/Glaze/Goals

Thats my coil project progress...its about 4inches tall.

My glaze worked out fine. It came out better than I expected. The transparent was a little difficult to work with; it settled quickly which meant I spent a lot of time mixing it with my pait brush. The Seaspray coated a little too thick on the top but overall spread out nicely over my piece. I can avoid that by dipping it from a different angle next time.

This year in ceramics i hope to accomplish making unique and creative ceramic pieces to enjoy in the art gallery at school and in my house. I hope that i do not end up with any glaze mishaps but this is likely inevitable unless I use the same glaze all year...which would be very boring.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Glazed Pinch Pot/Coil Project

-Its important when glazing bisque ware to wipe the dust off to avoid anomalies in the distribution of glaze.
-Wax resistance should be applied to the bottom of an object being glazed A.) always
-The appropriate time for keeping a pot in the bucket(s) of glaze would be 1 second.
-You cannot brush on a bucket glaze because the particles in the glaze have a tendency to settle and needs to be mixed often.
-O10, sea spray:
1. Put on my mask :)
2. Dusted and sanded my pot
3. Put on gloves, just in case, mixed my glaze and dipped my pot using tongs
The glaze looked a little caked on so i decide to change my color to avoid my pattern/design from being totally covered up.
4. applied, with a brush, transparent glaze.

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Progress On The Wheel

We have worked one the wheel about 5 days now. I've been successful in bringing the clay up and down . I have also managed, just last class, to open the clay without pulling it out too far. I used a sponge to help me get the walls taller along with putting my hand on the inside to keep it from collapsing on itself. I actually enjoy working on the wheel except for the clean-up which takes a little while especially with several people using the sinks at the same time.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Where I am Today?

The overall shape of my pinch pot stayed the same during the development of my project. The clay was usually cooperative when being shaped and molded, but I found difficulty in smoothing my pinch pot out. The paddling step was the hardest process for me while creating my project. There always seemed to be a spot that needed to be re-done. It took patience and careful attention to detail to ensure that I wasn't  smoothing out one spot any more than another.